Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Pops In The Park

It's almost here! My favorite outdoor event of the year, and trust me when I say that we do it in style! The Charlotte Symphony's "Pops In The Park" is just around the corner and starts June 6th at 7pm in Southpark's Symphony Park, and runs each Sunday up until Saturday, July 3rd.

My best friends, family, and I have been annual attendees for the last few years. For the life of me, I've never been able to get the best seats in house. The concert is entirely free (though they do accept donations), and the way you reserve seats is by placing a towel, tarp, or chairs out in the location you would like to sit in. The problem is that I can't drag myself out of bed to drive 25 miles down to Symphony Park to put out our 10x10 tarp at 7am. The rule of thumb is (and I personally think people cheat all the time at this), you can't place you're tarp/towel/bear skin rug/whatever out before 7am. I think the one time I did manage to get down there by like 7:15am, the spot was already taken!

We'll see if I can get out bed in a timely fashion this year...or maybe bribe the B.O.B. since he lives a mile from there. Looking forward to another great concert series in the heart of Southpark! Hope to see everyone out there :)